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Executive Advisory for Nonprofit Leaders

While peers, colleagues, and board members can help executives to lead, it can be helpful to have an experienced, thoughtful resource outside of the organization as a sounding board along the way. 

Executive Advisory provides 5 hours of flexible support per month over a 3 or 6 month engagement. Hours can be used based on the executive’s priorities – in regular meetings or as-needed – for navigating whatever issues arise, such as strategizing how to respond to a funder request, editing a grant proposal, reviewing financials, or planning a board meeting.

Katie brings experience with a wide range of nonprofit organizations and with every facet of nonprofit management to help leaders problem-solve. Her approach is both analytical and collaborative – engaging the leader by asking questions, bringing in best practices, and building on existing strengths and knowledge to guide the process.


“Working with Executive Advisory has enabled me to navigate several major challenges for the Wily Network this past year. When an issue arises, and I need guidance from someone with experience and perspective, I call Katie.

Through our conversations, she helps me refine my ideas, dissect and reframe the issue, identify relevant resources, and make a plan for next steps. We have worked through decisions related to staffing, strategic planning, and board management – whatever comes up, she is direct, clear, and forward thinking.

The Executive Advisory engagement is a perfect fit for a growing organization like ours.”

Judi Alperin King, Executive Director
The Wily Network


Executive Advisory engagements begin with an introductory meeting at no charge to ensure a good fit, and engagements are tailored to meet each leader’s needs.

Contact Katie for more information on how to set up an Executive Advisory engagement.